for a limited time you can grab this mineral guide for FREE

True vitality starts with understanding the root causes of dis-ease.

Minerals are the spark plugs of life. We need them to create energy on a cellular level.

In this day in age, it has become increasing harder to obtain all the minerals we need just by eating clean alone.

We create space for healing to occur when we intentionally add back in the lost minerals through the foods we choose to eat.

mineral basics


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    Organically Joanna


    Student of Life

    Who am I?

    I use a bio-individual approach with a focus on ancestral wisdom, metabolism, and mineral balance to help women come back into balance and increase your energy so you can live life well.

    As a travel enthusiast, wellness advocate, and lifelong learner I became passionate about living a healthy and balanced lifestyle after having many struggles of my own.

    What will you learn?

    • the basics of minerals and their roles in the body
    • where did our minerals go?
    • the relationship between stress and minerals
    • what is HTMA hair testing?